The award and winners in Nature Biotechnology - focusing on mycoremediation

The Future is Fungi Award and its startup winners have been featured in the renowned Nature Biotechnology focusing on the incredible potential of mycoremediation. Mycoremediation allows us to harness the natural capabilities of fungi, as the cleaners and decomposers in nature, to restore contaminated soil and water.

The startup winners Novobiom and MycoMine were featured, along with other mycoremediation startups that we highlighted. Further, Susanne Gløersen (the founder and director of the award) was interviewed and gave her reflections on the potential of mycoremediation.

Susanne Gløersen said: “Fungi is so untapped. We have this huge tool kit that we could leverage more. It’s the last frontier of biological discovery.”

The need to regenerate our natural world
World Economic Forum says that the loss of nature and biodiversity is among the top 4 economic risks in the next decade.  More than 70% of the world’s land is degraded, and if we do not change course, up to 90% of the land will be regraded by 2050. It is paramount that we restore and replenish our natural world.

Further, as we know close to 59% of all biodiversity in the world lives in the soil, it is key to keep our soils healthy. Fungi can help.

Mycoremediation can help us clean the soil for the likes of hydrocarbons, chemicals, PFAS, and REEs (rare earth elements). It is an incredible tool to be leveraged to regenerate our environment.

You can find the article in the link below


The Future is Fungi Award is commenting in an article about ocean use of mycelium


The award at IMC12 in Maastricht